時間:2018-12-25 編輯整理:早檢測網 來源:早檢測網
Anyone who detects or suspects plagiarism in a draft or final version of a student's thesis or dissertation must notify, in writing, as soon as possible,the graduate advisor (or department head) in the student's graduate program, and the student's academic supervisor.
Anyone who detects or suspects plagiarism in a draft or final version of a student's thesis or dissertation must notify, in writing, as soon as possible,the graduate advisor (or department head) in the student's graduate program, and?the student's academic supervisor.
If the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has not yet sent the student's dissertation to an external examiner, the graduate advisor (or head) and the supervisor must notify the student of the allegations of plagiarism and provide the student with an opportunity to meet. Then they should refer the case to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, as outlined below.
Special care is required when apparent plagiarism is discovered after a PhD student's dissertation has been submitted for final examination or after the student's program has been completed. In such cases the alleged plagiarism must be immediately reported to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. The Dean (or designated Associate Dean) will collaborate with the Graduate Program to determine an appropriate course of action.
Turnitin UK:http://hznzdfl.cn/turnitin-uk/