
首頁學術資訊Frequently Asked Questions:Using TurnitinUK in Blackboard to submit your work

Frequently Asked Questions:Using TurnitinUK in Blackboard to submit your work

時間:2018-12-17 編輯整理:早檢測網(wǎng) 來源:早檢測網(wǎng)

Frequently Asked Questions:Using TurnitinUK in Blackboard to submit your work

1. What is plagiarism?

This following extract is taken from our 'General Regulations and Procedures affecting students 2006/2007' : "Plagiarism is the deliberate attempt to gain advantage by presenting work that is not the student's own as if it were. Plagiarism is commonly the word for word substantial duplication of phrases or sentences in written work, or in oral presentations, where the source is deliberately not mentioned. This definition of plagiarism also extends to non-written forms of production (for example, in performance, design, the making of artifacts or other objects) where equivalent duplications are made. In all cases, such sources may include the work of other students at the University or another institution or contracted third parties. The University reserves the right to test any student's work for plagiarism. This includes the submission of student work in anonymised form to third parties for electronic testing."

2. How do I avoid plagiarism?

The Library has a number of self-study booklets including 'Information Citation' and 'Plagiarism'. These will enable you to improve your academic practice. Your Faculty and programme team will also have student support materials that will help you. Please see your module or personal tutor(s) for specific guidance.

3. What is Turnitin and how does it work?

Turnitin is a web-based plagiarism detection tool, which is being widely implemented in UK universities and schools/colleges. It searches the current and archived internet, subscription services and papers submitted by other students to identify any similarities between text. Your tutor will examine these similarities to check the originality of your work. This tool is integrated in Blackboard so that you can submit your work as instructed by your tutor.

4. Why are we using Turnitin?

Turnitin is being used to deter plagiarism, rather than to detect it and punish you. Accordingly, you will find that in many cases you will be exposed to it in a formative (or learning) situation, before it is used for real to mark your assignments/assessments. We hope that this will enable you to understand in more detail how to cite and reference material, and how to synthesize and evaluate the work of other people.

5. How do I submit my assignment in Turnitin?

Your tutor will create a link to Turnitin from an area in your module Blackboard site. In order to submit your work you should login to Blackboard and enter the relevant module site.Then click on the link that your tutor has set-up and attach the correct file.

6. What type of files can be submitted in Turnitin?

The following file types are acceptable:

Word, Word Perfect, Post Script, PDF, HTML, RTF and Plain Text.

Note that PowerPoint presentations and Microsoft work files are not acceptable.

7. Is there a file size limit for submitting assignments in Turnitin?

Yes there is 10MB

8. Do I get confirmation that my assignment has been sent?

Yes, you will receive Turnitin's digital receipt (giving you a Paper ID number) as well as the text submitted to Turnitin which you can print off for your records. You will also receive confirmation by email to your p-number@learner.dmu.ac.uk email account containing these same details.

9. Why can't I see my originality report?

This can be for a number of reasons.

Your tutor may have set up the Turnitin assignment which may not allow you to view the originality report.

Your tutor may have set up the Turnitin assignment which allows originality reports to be produced on the due date (when all assignments should be in).

Contact your tutor for more advice and ensure that you have read the instructions given with the assignment.

10. How long does Turnitin take to produce an originality report?

This does depend on the size of your assignment; it can take anything from ten minutes for a single assignment to up to an hour for a dissertation. Other factors include on how many other university staff around the UK happen to be submitting assignments at the same time. Some larger files are taken up to 24 hours to be processed. Read this in conjunction with the question 'Why can't I see my originality report?'

11. Can other students view my originality report?


12. What happens if I sent the wrong assignment by mistake and I can't submit my other assignment?

Contact your tutor and let them know.

13. Can I submit multiples files at one time?

No you can't you can only submit one file, if your tutor allows you to submit more than once you can do, but only one file as the previous ones get deleted. You cannot send an assignment which is broken down in different files at one time. Contact your tutor for advice.

14. I think I have uploaded the wrong assignment. What can I do?

Before you submit any piece of work, Turnitin shows you an electronic copy of the document you are about to submit. Check this carefully. If it is correct, click the 'yes-submit' button. If not, you have the option to go back and select the correct document for upload. If you know you have submitted the wrong assignment, you need to contact your tutor as soon as possible. Your tutor can arrange for you to reload your assignment. Note that it is important for you to resubmit your assignment with the identical details (name, title etc) as the first submission.

15. Can I test my paper in Turnitin before submitting it to my tutor?

It is also up to individual tutors to allow students to see the originality reports generated by Turnitin, and to allow submission of draft assignments. You need to ask your tutor how Turnitin is being used, and if you have the option to check your draft assignments through Turnitin before your final submission.


Turnitin UKhttp://hznzdfl.cn/turnitin-uk/
