
首頁論文檢測教程Turnitin Reduce Plagiarism

Turnitin Reduce Plagiarism

時間:2015-03-27 編輯整理:早檢測網(wǎng) 來源:早檢測網(wǎng)

Check students' work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against the world's largest academic database.

Access the Largest Database

Our database contains 45+ billion web pages, 337+ million student papers and 130+ million articles from academic books and publications.?

View the Submission in its?Original Format

Turnitin preserves the original format of the submission, allowing instructors to view the student's original text, formatting, imagery and layout.

Understand What is Original and What Isn't

Turnitin shows how much of the student's submission matches content from our databases so instructors can quickly understand how much content is unoriginal.

View Student's Sources

Unoriginal content is highlighted and color-coded, and the original source appears with the percentage of content originating from that source.

Change Settings?to Meet Your Needs

Control what information appears in your Originality Report by filtering out bibliographic, quoted or small match sizes.

Submit from the Cloud

Students and instructors can submit assignments?from popular cloud platforms, such as GoogleDrive??and DropBox.

24/7 Access from a Web Browser

Turnitin is completely online and available anytime through a standard web browser.

View One Comprehensive Report

Instructors can easily move between or overlay originality results, grading marks and peer review comments to gain a fuller understanding of the student's work and avoid grading submissions that contain a high level of unoriginal content.



