
首頁論文檢測教程香港公開大學(xué) OUHK Turnitin Service

香港公開大學(xué) OUHK Turnitin Service

時間:2018-05-10 編輯整理:早檢測網(wǎng) 來源:早檢測網(wǎng)

香港公開大學(xué) OUHK Turnitin Service

What is Turnitin?

Turnitin is an online service for checking the similarities of submitted assignments/papers. The submitted assignments/papers will be compared for matching to sources in Turnitin.com. Originality Reports are generated and provided after the comparisons.

What is Originality Report? 

 An Originality Report summarizes the results of an originality check and highlights matching text. You can view and download the Originality Report after processing by Turnitin.com. The processing time may take 24 hours to complete, please reserve your time for running the report before the assignment/paper deadline.

Who can use the Turnitin Service? 

 The eligible OUHK students will receive an welcome email from Turntin.com for the activation of the account.

How can I use Turnitin? 

 You can upload your assignment/paper in Turnitin.com for checking before submission to OLE. Please be reminded that Turnitin.com is not a repository for assignment/paper submission. It is a tool for checking purpose only. You have to submit your assignment/paper according to the instruction of your Lecturer.

For details, please refer the file:    User_Guide_for_Students 

After you login Turnitin.com, you may find a class name "OUHK" under your Turnitin account. After clicking the "OUHK" class, you will see an "Testing Assignment" (subject to your School's policy) which you can submit your assignment/paper for checking. You can also download your Originality Report after the checking completes.

What I can do if I drop a class? 

 Please do not click the "drop class" button of any classes as there will be no way to re-enroll the class. If you have done it accidentally, you have to inform your course instructor  to add you back to the class. If you drop the "OUHK" class, you have to email ituhelp@ouhk.edu.hk  for re-adding the "OUHK" class to you.

Where can I get more information? 

 You can access www.turnitin.com or access the "Student QuickStart Guide" by clicking here.

Turnitin :http://hznzdfl.cn/turnitin/
