
首頁(yè)論文檢測(cè)教程Turnitin Student Training

Turnitin Student Training

時(shí)間:2013-12-28 編輯整理:早檢測(cè)網(wǎng) 來源:早檢測(cè)網(wǎng)

The student homepage displays a list of any courses that the student user profile is enrolled in. Newly created user profiles are automatically enrolled in the class associated with the class ID used to create the user profile.

A single user profile can be used to enroll in multiple classes. Enrollment into additional classes can be completed once the user signs on as the student profile and is viewing the student user homepage. Enrollment in additional classes on Turnitin will always require a valid class ID number and the case sensitive enrollment password for the class. This information can only be distributed by the instructors.

Students may also receive a notification e-mail from Turnitin indicating that they have been added to a new course by the instructor directly. This new class will appear automatically on the student user homepage.

To enroll in a class as an existing user:

  1. Log into Turnitin with a student user profile

  2. Click on the "enroll in a class" tab on the student homepage

  3. Enter the class ID and enrollment password for the new class

  4. Click "submit" to enroll in the class and add it to the student user homepage
