
首頁論文檢測教程TTU University Libraries use Turnitin.

TTU University Libraries use Turnitin.

時(shí)間:2018-05-09 編輯整理:早檢測網(wǎng) 來源:早檢測網(wǎng)

Please note that campus has decided to use SafeAssign, which is a component of Blackboard, to replace Turnitin by fall 2018. From more information please see SafeAssign tutorials. Turnitin will be removed from the library website on Aug 15, 2018. Please plan accordingly.

Turnitin is web-based software that compares submitted assignments to its database of scholarly research and student papers and returns an Originality Report that highlights matching text. 

Texas Tech Instructors could use Turnitin in the following ways:

Allow a class to submit assignments for which Turnitin generates an Originality Report.

Allow students to submit work, view the Originality Report, then edit their work before submitting the final copy to be graded.

Spot check for plagiarism on one or two papers.

Students find the Originality Report useful for editing papers that include too many quotes and paraphrases. Instructors find the Originality Report useful as a tool to teach students proper citation practices and highlight the need for originality or to detect possible instances of plagiarism in student work.

Choosing between Turnitin and iThenticate

Graduate students should not use Turnitin to screen and revise their own writing. Turnitin is designed for classroom use only, and using it to check your own work is not recommended or approved. iThenticate is designed for review of faculty and graduate research and scholarship. This text-matching service differs from Turnitin in two aspects: it uses a richer database of scholarly material and it does not store a copy of manuscripts submitted for review. Thus, a manuscript can be submitted for review multiple times without creating text matches with itself. For more information or to use this tool, visit our iThenticate site.

Texas Tech Instructors can request access to Turnitin via the online request form.

Texas Tech Students may sign in to Turnitin with their eRaider credentials using the button below.

